Working closely alongside Defence Australia, St Hilliers is proud to have delivered the new Simulation Building Project at Lavarack Barracks!
The scope of works included:
Simulation Centre:
- 5 x Field Service Representative (FSR) workshops and offices;
- 120 seat lecture theatre;
- Classrooms (24 and 32 pax);
- Syndicate rooms (16 pax);
- 18 x desktop tactical trainer (DTT) rooms (4 teams pax);
- Desktop tactical trainer (DTT) rooms (4 teams pax);
- 2 x Protected Mobility Tactical Trainer (PMTT) rooms with 20 PMTTs (20 pax desks);
- Administration rooms;
- Breakout spaces, amenities, plantrooms, comms rooms, store rooms;
- External landscaping including tree and shrub removal and demolition works;
New 35 pax carpark extension;
New external shelter providing cover for 16 containerised Immersive Tactical Trainers;
New separate building housing electrical transformers and main switchboard; and
Stormwater retention basin repair works to the East Drain.
Congratulations to our team in Townsville on a fantastic effort, and special thanks to all of our subcontractors and suppliers who contributed to the construction of this incredible facility!