St Hilliers recently completed the stage 1 and 2 Joint Health Command Garrison Facility Upgrade Project.
The project was split into two stages: Construction of the new Townsville Health Centre (Stage 1) and Demolition of the existing facility (Stage 2).
Stage one required the new THC to be built some distance from the existing facility. The newly constructed healthcare centre includes administration space, dental services, entry areas, general areas, inpatient areas, mental health facilities, a pharmacy, a physiotherapy space, plant and equipment rooms, a primary care unit, access ways and vehicle parking.
Following the successful completion of the Stage 1 works, St Hilliers decanted people and equipment to the new THC facility. Once decanting and all transitional activities between the existing and new facilities, the St Hilliers team undertook the demolition of the existing health centre building.
The team were responsible for protecting the existing operational health centre whilst demolition and construction works were in progress.