The Holsworthy Mid Term Refresh will replace existing demountable Living-In Accommodation (LIA) with two new double-storey 45 bed LIAs. The two-storey LIAs consist of:
- Conventional slab on ground substructure;
- Structural steel superstructure, including bondek first floor;
- Light weight external roof and wall claddings (Colourbond & compressed fibre cement sheets);
- Mechanical works interfacing with the site wide BMS;
- Electrical works compliance to the Manual of Infrastructure Engineering – Electrical (MIEE);
- Associated ICT, including fire alarm monitoring linked to the DESN, voices services and MATV provisions;
- Associated civil works;
- Associated service infrastructure tying into heading Base wide service infrastructure, (Stormwater, Sewer, Electrical, Water, ICT, Fire); and
- New Substation and associated feeds to new Main Distribution Boards.