The project involved the construction of a four storey car park to accommodate 700 vehicle spaces. The project formed part of the NSW Government’s plan to create more commuter parking across Sydney to ease road congestion.
Upon completion of the car park, we undertook the staged reconstruction of the main road leading to the car park and railway station which included formalising the drainage, kerbing, guttering and street lighting along the entire length of the road.
The reconstruction process was staged to minimise disruption to commuters and adjacent schools.
Environmentally sustainable features of the facility included:
- A maintenance free facade for the life of the building
- Installation of a 20,000 litre re-use tank for rainwater harvesting
- A construction waste recycling rate in excess of 95%
- Reinforcement sourced from predominantly recycled material
- Inclusion of a rain garden in the design to act as a bio-filtration facility for treating excess water run-off from both the road and the car park prior to discharging the Georges River system
We worked collaboratively with all stakeholders including the Department of Education, Hurlstone Agricultural High School and the Glenfield Junction Alliance. The project team regularly liaised with the community throughout the duration of the project.
St Hilliers safety management on this project met all TCA’s stringent safety procedures. The project team was committed to working collaboratively with TCA to ensure safety initiatives were aligned with TCA’s expectations for the project. Extensive pre-project planning was undertaken by the project team and included the removal of overhead powerlines, sewer diversions in conjunction with the commencement of civil works and the measurement of noise, dust and vibration to protect the neighbouring Heritage Suspension Office and surrounding residences.
The Project was delivered both on time and to budget and achieved zero medically treatable injuries and zero lost time injuries for the duration of the project.